আমরা যা যা শেখাই

সি প্রোগ্রামিং

খুব সহজেই এখানে আপনারা বাংলায় প্রোগ্রামিং শিখতে পারবেন। এটি সম্পূর্ণ বাংলায় এবং সম্পূ্ণ ফ্রি

C++ Programming

Lean C++ Programming in Bangla with a very easy way.

C# Programming

Here you can learn C#(Sharp)Programming in Bangla with a very easy way.

Java Programming

Though Java is a difficult programming for the beginner, you can learn here Java in Bangla with a very easy way.

Python Programming

Python is both programming and web designing language. You can learn here Python in Bangla with a very easy way.

PDF Books

Here you can download pdf books written in bangla.

Method for learning

Our process on creating awesome projects.
  • 1. Learn attentively

    Be very attentive when you are learning any language

  • 2. Try a different

    Try to make a different programme on which you have learnt.

  • 3. Practice

    Practies makes a man perfect. So always practies programming.

  • 4. Success

    If you follow our rules, we may assure that you can be a successful programmer.

    Smart, Creative & Awesome.

    A creative agency that believes in the power of creative ideas and great design.
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    Meet Our Team

    Our team members
    Utsa Roy

    Utsa roy is our developer. He posts the lessons. Find him on Facebook

    Snigdho Roy

    He is our team member. He helps Utsa Roy and Dibya Jyoti Roy.

    Dibya Jyoti Roy

    Dibya Jyoti Roy is our web designer. He also post lessons. He designs our web. Find him on Facebook

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